
  1. Company Overview
    1. Overview & legality
    2. Vision & mission
    3. The Team
    4. Company scale
    5. Purpose
  2. Problem Identification
    1. Background and Problem that you are going to solve?
    2. How do they effect the environment? Social?
    3. How critical are they?
  3. Solution
    1. What do you offer as a solution?
    2. Your Product/Service?
    3. Is it proven? Tested? Have they been tested?
  4. Market Opportunity
    1. Opportunity and market size
    2. Who are the customers?
  5. Competition
    1. Your competitor? Local or overseas?
    2. Any substitute product?
    3. What is your position among competitors?
  6. SWOT Analysis
  7. Business Model Canvas
  8. Traction
    1. Milestone
    2. Current progress
    3. Future plan
  9. Financial
    1. Fundraising needs
    2. Return on investment
    3. Payback period
  10. Documentation on your product or activity